Welcome to my website! Skywishes has been around since september 2022, originally on Neocities. I migrated to Nekoweb in May.

Please have a look around!

This page may be unfinished for a while, turns out choosing shapes & colours is a lot harder than it seems... I have big plans for this site & I'm very excited to work on it :D

To Do List:

  • organise this page & add more things to it
    • changelog
    • idk just more things to put in boxes
    • flexbox
  • make a recipes page
  • make collections page
  • make a gaeilge page
  • have more fun with the links page
  • make a sitemap!!
  • nicer layouts/css everywhereee
  • new button
  • pictochat page (done, just needs actual content T_T)
  • pick a new name... somehow...
  • update button wall

let me know if you use my button!! and PLEASE hotlink!!
my website button
website view counter unique views counter